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mother. wife. photographer. friend. lover of life. animal defender. reader. traveler. boho girl. risk-taker. dreamer. mistake maker. flawed, but perfectly.

03 March 2008

Frenchy's Rockaway Grill - Clearwater!

Gavin did exceptionally well in school this week, so he was rewarded with MOSI and a trip to Frenchy's on Clearwater Beach, Pier 60. Yummy, Yummy grouper sandwiches and great Sangria! Check out Gavin's French Fry Tower below. The kids get to play in the sand, well in our case launch sling-shot rockets, while we drink:-) Responsibly, of course! Gavin quickly found friends. You'll see Evan and little brother Aidan. What beautiful boys too! Hi to mom Jodi! Thank you for allowing me to photograph your two boys! What a ham for the camera Evan is, but I managed to get several good shots of the more shy Aidan as well! Oh, the bird picture. There were a mess of them. I went over to take some pictures and I was told that a guy had been laying down in the sand covered with chips, hence the crowd of birds. Wish I had walked over sooner!

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