My photo
mother. wife. photographer. friend. lover of life. animal defender. reader. traveler. boho girl. risk-taker. dreamer. mistake maker. flawed, but perfectly.

12 May 2009

Baby chicks in the new Photography Studio: St. Petersburg

We can say goodbye to spring already being in Florida. It already feels like summer here! It was such a pleasure to have a final fling with Spring last week when KayLee, my neighbor from Pinky's Painted Cottage, brought over 5 day old chicks for me to photograph in the new studio!! They were so adorable, they huddled together for a while, probably wondering what was going on and what I was doing laying on the floor with them. Below is a grouping of some shots of them I love!!

Speaking of Summer. KayLee has put together some wonderful artsy camps for the kiddos to attend. Take a peek here!

1 comment:

Tabitha Blue said...

So cute!! I just want to hold one :)