My photo
mother. wife. photographer. friend. lover of life. animal defender. reader. traveler. boho girl. risk-taker. dreamer. mistake maker. flawed, but perfectly.

15 July 2008

Meet Margo!

Joel and Kristy recently welcomed this little bundle of joy into their family. Meet Margo. A little ball of energy who loves to chase and bat around her mechanical pencils. Seriously, it was her favorite toy! I haven't had a little one like this around since my boys where being bottle fed. That's my three boy kitties! That was 10 years ago. It was such a pleasure to hang out with Margo for a spell and bask in all the new kitty curiosity!


Carnal Zen said...

Meoowwww I want one! Ok scratch that.

Freckles Q. McMurty said...

These turned out so well! :)

Mikki said...

How cute! I was so curious to see your style - it is so you! Wonderful images. It was so nice to meet you and your husband this weekend. I might have to email you about your website - it is great!

Deidre Lynn said...

What an adorable face!!